What are 'Inconsistent Chromaticities'?

While building my app for release I noticed some warnings about the icon and splash screen resources similar to this :

:mergeArmv7ReleaseResources/Users/development/Desktop/instaplace/app/trunk/platforms/android/res/drawable-ldpi/icon.png: libpng warning: cHRM: inconsistent chromaticities 

what does this mean? and how do i fix it?

Hmm, yeah never seen this before.

Looks like your version of libpng ? My wild guess is while its trying to compile it’s using your local version of libpng

I just ran ionic build android --release and wan’t able to get that error. Could you provide some more information?

Try running brew update, then brew install libpng. See if that helps.

Same problem here.
Recently my app stop building correctly, so after a long of reading and typing in the console. I managed to fix it by updating java jre, removing the android platform and adding it again. But now the build process seems very different and the forders ant-build and ant-gen no longer exist.
Apparently now ant has been replaced with gradle.
Since then the splash screen is not working and neither the api calls.
With cordova build android the app build but generare a lot of ‘inconsistent chromaticities’ warnings. And using cordova build android --release there is a build error.

In my case the warning was caused by the icons and splash screen files themselves. I think the reason was because when I saved them in Photoshop I selected ‘Embed Colour Profile’ and libpng didnt like it :slight_smile:

I re-saved all resources without the ‘Embed Colour Profile’ and the problem has gone away.

Many thanks Paishin, your solution has worked :slightly_smiling: