Hi guys,
Any plans to support PhoneGap Build in Ionic CLI ?
I’m trying to build iOS app on PhoneGap Build but without results
Seems like the build process and code output in www
is incorrect…
Support from Ionic tools would be very welcome
Hi guys,
Any plans to support PhoneGap Build in Ionic CLI ?
I’m trying to build iOS app on PhoneGap Build but without results
Seems like the build process and code output in www
is incorrect…
Support from Ionic tools would be very welcome
I doubt they will support PhoneGap Build in the CLI since the set up is a bit different. I believe they are working on an Ionic build service similar to PhoneGap Build though. See http://docs.ionic.io/ and https://apps.ionic.io/login. Unfortunately you need alpha access to use it right now.
As for PhoneGap build, you should be able to create an ionic app and upload it to PhoneGap without problems, except for maybe some conflicts with the config file. I moved away from PhoneGap build though, there are too many restrictions (max folder size, plugins available, number of apps for free, etc.). I like the Ionic CLI more.
I would really pleased not to work with PhoneGap Build but from now I don’t really have the choice
I would prefer building iOS app locally with CLI but Apple doesn’t want to…
Good to see Ionic team working on build tool for iOS for non-mac users ( http://docs.ionic.io/services/build/ ). I hope it will be developper & small team friendly !
Ohh, understood. Sometimes I forget you need a Mac to build for iOS.
Yeah the build service should be nice. I can’t wait to use it.
Indeed… Apple !