I was wondering if anyone had advice on the best way to find a person with a Mac and an iOS developer account for the actual build to iOS. I happen to not have a Mac. Thus, I cannot install x-code or in any way build for iOS. I have a client with an iPad and no Android device.
How much would one expect to pay to have the build done for iOS? I am thinking of one issue. I could just develop for Android and assume it is ready to be built. The possible problem with this is that it might look different on iOS and/or have plugin differences. I could find someone on fiverr.com and say, I have the code that works fine on Android, please build an iOS app and then just let the client report back on what he thinks.
Here is another related question… I was watching a course on Lynda.com on Ionic and the instructor stated that the effect one gets with ionic serve could be achieved by uploading the www directory to a server for review. I almost got the impression that the suggestion was that one could choose to publish an ionic styled app as a regular web application for viewing like any other web page. IMHO, while ionic is said to not be made for that purpose, I think the styling and such, could actually make a nice web presentation for desktop even. Indeed, one would not be using any of the mobile features of a mobile app, but I have seen some nicely styled results after running the ionic serve command. Just my opinion, of course.