Are you working together with Angular Material team? there is any chance ? I think both teams are working in the same direction.
In negative case, will ionic support material design like @Purusothaman said?
Thanks for your time.
Are you working together with Angular Material team? there is any chance ? I think both teams are working in the same direction.
In negative case, will ionic support material design like @Purusothaman said?
Thanks for your time.
I love using ionic and have done a number of projects with it :). The only thing i have run into that i would love to see is:
Is there any documentation on the amount of page reflows/reloads that are being done with Angular and Ionic?
And how you guys limit them?
Image gallery viewer is the hot requirement for Ionic.
The IONIC is doing a great success in Brazil ! I’m sharing with all my friends developers here in the state where I live . I made a study group and soon we will record videos for the Brazilian public . Success all Ionic team and congratulations for this fantastic project .
I’ve found it to be really hard to learn how to use the framework without a strong background in javascript/angular. What’s the future of learning ionic look like? I think it would be really exciting if there was a way to learn ionic from start to finish without having to leave. I feel like right now ionic is only really approachable to people with a programming background, not so easy to learn for beginners.
Hello Ben, I am having issues with viewing my app on android device, it is working fine when I test on the browser but when I launch it on the device, it shows a white page after splash screen.
I’d love to know if there’s a list of open source projects using ionic, I realized that it’s not that easy to find good projects to learn from and see if I’m going in the right direction.
Thanks! =D
i want to konw why click event is executed twice?
When i click the Alert button,the dialog box appears twice.
Try installing crosswalk and use google chrome’s chrome://inspect/#devices to check if you’re having any errors
can you help me with the navigation button problem which is coming to right when i set it to left. This is only happening when the page is opened when the user click on the anchor tag. if you refresh the page,the navigation button then comes to the correct side
Can Ionic be used for web development?
Hello Ionic, i got problem when trying to slowing scroll from this code : $ionicScrollDelegate.$getByHandle(‘credit’).scrollBottom(true). How can i slowing down the scroll? Because now it scrolling too fast for me. I need to slowing down the scroll, just like credit scene on the Star Wars movie
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
Hi, they’ve explained many time that the framework was dedicated to mobile development, not desktop
did you use the nav-bar-button ???
Hey @Ben can you please she’s some light on the backend as a a service you are working on? Will it be #nodejs based? Will you be able to host static webpages as part of the platform(king of like
And most importantly will it support realtime data transfer like Firebase does?
@triniwiz yeah i used the nav bar button, but its on the left side as defined and on reload everything appears the best,but when the user reach this page by clicking on the link , the page appears to be like the above mentioned.
can you help me with how to implement a referral code thing in the ionic app or can anyone tell how i can access the referral code?
I think it’s primary / secondary not left right