Ionic package: No matching provisioning profiles found

I’ve been able to use Ionic Package with dev certificates (great job guys!) but when it comes to using a distribution profile, I get the following error:


Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles matching an applicable signing identity were found.
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/apps-39e11fcf-18/cordova/platforms/ios/MyTeam.Click/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/OneSignalPush.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/apps-39e11fcf-18/cordova/platforms/ios/MyTeam.Click/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/OneSignalSelectorHelpers.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/apps-39e11fcf-18/cordova/platforms/ios/MyTeam.Click/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/UNUserNotificationCenter+OneSignal.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/apps-39e11fcf-18/cordova/platforms/ios/MyTeam.Click/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/UIApplicationDelegate+OneSignal.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7


I have followed the steps to generating my certificates to the letter (to the best of my knowledge). On the OneSignal site, I have configured the Appel iOS platform by uploading my production push .p12 file and entering the password carefully. On, I created a new Certificate in Settings called “dist”, where I first uploaded my dist_push.p12 (with password), then the dist.p12 and dist.mobileprovision file.

This time when I run:
ionic package build ios --profile dist
I get the above error.

I’ve seen multiple posts about people with similar problems and no official answer except for “rebuild all your certificates and make sure they all come from the same mac” (which I did) and I still get this error. Where should I start? I have all the latest setup (ionic, npm, node, app-scripts):

Cordova CLI: 6.3.1
Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.1
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.0
Ionic App Scripts Version: 1.0.0
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: Not installed
OS: Windows 10
Node Version: v6.9.1
Xcode version: Not installed

I am running into a very similar issue when trying to build for iOS. No luck yet! if I find a solution I will post it!

=== BUILD TARGET caeb mobile calendar OF PROJECT caeb mobile calendar WITH CONFIGURATION Release ===

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles matching an applicable signing identity were found.


Just to establish a baseline, has someone had success building a distribution .ipa with Ionic Package?

everything works great building for me building an .apk file with Ionic Package. I havent been able to build an .ipa yet.

Really hoping to hear from the Ionic team on this soon as I’m at the production stage and do not own a physical Mac. It works well to generate dev .ipa packages but still can’t find the reason why it won’t work with distribution certificates. :frowning:

I am stuck in the same boat !! I did one of their phone interviews last Friday and was able to talk on the phone with someone from the cloud team. He asked me to send him the error and told me he would look into it. I hope something comes of it.

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I have come up with a very heavy workaround but it works. Since I’m working on Windows and have no easy access to a Mac, I installed VirtualBox on my machine and create a virtual mac on my computer (yeah, that took a while). Installed xcode, npm, node, git, etc… I got to the point where I was able to run my app with Ionic serve and then I tried to compile it using “ionic build ios --release”. Had to remove the ios platform and reinstall it a few time, regen the resources with “ionic resources” on my VM but finally got a successful build.

Ah but wait, just when you think the bad guy has been vanquished, he springs up with a snarl! When you get a successful build, it actually just generates an xcode project which you then have to open with XCode and then create an Archive, which you can then upload to the iTunes store. I ran into trouble here because xcode was getting confused as to which license to use, it mixed up my dev with my dist and kept popping up error. In the end I got frustratrated, logged into my apple account and deleted every visible certificate and profile and then did the same in my xcode. Then I recreated a single clean set of distribution and push certificates, followed the instructions to the letter and then there was no confusion possible.

I generated my first archive for the first time last night. Happy St-Valentine from Apple. Just out of curiosity, I uploaded all my new certificates and .p12 to my package profile on Ionic and tried to build again. Same Error Code 65. I also uploaded my push certificate to OneSignal (which I use for push notifications) and took great care to make sure everything was setup perfect with the correct passwords, no mistakes possible. Ionic package still gives me the same error but at least now I know the problem is not my certificates since I was able to build/archive on my VM. I’m still not out of the woods since I got an email from Apple last night with the following message:

Missing Info.plist key - This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app’s Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.

I’m still hoping to hear from Ionic on my Error Code 65 for the Package service since it would be soooo much simpler to compile everything with a single command line… but once it’s done, I’m using Deploy all the way and never publishing another version on the app store, booyah! :slight_smile:

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Even I am facing the same issue. I was able to build the package from Ionic Platform until last week successfully. But this week, when I try to build the IOS package, I get the same error. Nothing has changed since then in terms of provisioning profile. I believe, this is a bug with the latest Ionic Package. Can we have someone from the Ionic team look at it, as several of us are seeing this issue of late.

Is this with your distribution certificates or your dev? Also, just to try to gather more info, are you using a push notifications? My error mentionned OneSignal librairies.

It’s happening even with Dev Provisioning Certificates. And the error is related to OneSignal Push Libraries. Please check the following exception seen from the package logs:

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the bundle identifier <PACKAGE_NAME> were found.
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/<APP_PATH>/cordova/platforms/ios/<APP_NAME>/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/OneSignalPush.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/<APP_PATH>/cordova/platforms/ios/<APP_NAME>/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/OneSignalSelectorHelpers.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/<APP_PATH>/cordova/platforms/ios/<APP_NAME>/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/UNUserNotificationCenter+OneSignal.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/package/workspace/<APP_PATH>/cordova/platforms/ios/<APP_NAME>/Plugins/onesignal-cordova-plugin/UIApplicationDelegate+OneSignal.h’ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7

Oh that looks familiar! (look at my initial post) :slight_smile:
What’s strange is that I used to be able, a few weeks ago, to use Package with dev certificates and I had no trouble with OneSignal librairies to build ios packages. It’s starting to look like something broke down in the Package service in the past few weeks. The last successful package I got was on 2017-02-01 3:39 PM.

Is this feature still broken? Any new updates from the Ionic team on this? Thanks!

Same problem… any news?

I started this topic and it’s been a month and a half without an answer from Ionic so I wrote tech support yesterday to bring their attention back to it. My problem seems to have shifted (or gotten worse) now. After a while with no answer, I decided to install VirtualBox on my machine and install the lastest MacOS, XCode, etc… I recreated all my Apple certificates from scratch (deleting all the dev ones to avoid confusion) and I loaded them into my VM and it worked fine. I was able to publish my first version on the App store.

Now when I use the exact same certificates (dist.p12 and dist.mobileprovisionning) in settings/profile on, the error I now get is:

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No code signing identities found: No valid signing identities (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found.

So different error but the result is the same. Doesn’t work and can’t explain why without their help.

Thanks for your reply, the only one

I have made the same, Installed a virtual machine with Mac OS on my Windows notebook
Generated in Keyaccess all the certificates, .p12 .mobileprovisioning
Create a profile, in app settings of Ionic. Here insert the .p12 with the password the .mobileprovisioning

Upload all and I have the same error
=== BUILD TARGET Configuratore Linea Vita OF PROJECT Configuratore Linea Vita WITH CONFIGURATION Debug ===

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles matching an applicable signing identity were found.


So I have made a lot of test, The very strange thing is that for developer it work
So for generete the ipa release I only create a new ionic profile with a only different .mobileprovisining

So I have tested a lot, but don’t find a solution.

Can any one explain what is the meaning of : No provisioning profiles matching an applicable signing identity were found


Just to let you know, I also had success with dev profiles but things go wrong when using a distribution profile.

I also have this problems! :anguished:

Hei guys! I need to found a solution… I want to use the ionic upadate for my app.
Is there any one have solved this?
Is there any one of the ionic stuff can help us to understand what is the meaning of this error:

Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles matching an applicable signing identity were found.

Thanks a lot

@loki9182 have you find a soution?
Any other news?

Hey, I just successfully built a iOS distribution version with Ionic Package.

Did you use the additional flag “–release” when starting the Package build?

The docs isn’t 100% clear, but I think to build a release version of an iOS app you have to specify the distribution profile AND add ‘–release’ to the call:

ionic package build ios --profile PROFILENAME --release

From the error messages you posted it often says “CONFIGURATION Debug” in the first line of the OUTPUT, which seems to be the default “configuration”:

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