How to show my client the progress of building the app online

am sorry if i shouldn’t post this question here, but am building an app using ionic for sure and my client lives in other country and he ask me to see the progress of the developing.

Unlike other project like nodeJS i have no idea where to upload the app and make it work as i used the ionic serve in the CLI.

Any suggestions! Thank you

Ionic view they can download the app on there when ever you push an update they can see

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IOS or Android? I’ve just been through that process and it went:

IOS Ad-Hoc for a number of iterations, then into test flight for an easier process once it was developed enough
Android into Google Play store as a beta

Worked fine. Then at the end just changed the bundle IDs to the clients and uploaded them into their proper accounts for them to sort the meta content out and click the GO button.

Am going to develop it for both of the OS but, it’s fine to start with Android i think the solution Cmaden mention is good am reading this article

Yes, that only appeared after we’d started, so wasn’t sure about security implications etc.