Anyone is using this? How is it so far? How do I get an ID?
Hey @rdtran
Good find! It’s a very pre-beta test of an upcoming development and sharing app for Ionic projects.
If you’re interested in helping test an early version, send me an email and I can help you get set up!
max AT ionicframework DOT com
Thanks for the reply. I am excited about this.
I am developing one app and to be able to use this would be Awsome .
would love to be able to use this, im currently developing an app and could really use access to this
If you need additional testers just ping me.
Can you guys send me an email to max AT drifty DOT com and I’ll get you in the testing group for this?
Hi Max. Youze guys doing great job over there!
I am real interested in the Ionic View App for distribution of my App. I have installed the App on Android and even logged in. Cool.
Now, how do I UPLOAD my to the Ionic server?
At a command line, I get this:
$ ionic upload android
Running upload task...
To continue, please login to your Ionic Platform account (Create a free account here:
prompt: password:
ERROR: Error logging in: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
It nevers askes my User ID and there is no way to connect to the localhost URL given.
How do I get to the server site to upload my Apps?
May 22, making a little progress I see.
I can login at a command line and on the web page. Cool.
I have a working Android App, using Ionic beta6.
Now, at a Mac command line in my project root, I get this:
alang$ ionic upload
Running upload task...
Uploading app (id: biz.digitalshowcase.vegasfc)
Unable to upload. HTTP response: 404
I can see Ionic create, then delete a file. Must be a bug in the upload process.
Looking forward to being able to use Ionic View for App distribution.
Hey Max,
I would love to test the ionic view app. I sent you an email a while ago, do you still accept testers?
I’ve successfully upload my project. But everytime I choose the app from Ionic View, alert shown “no connection. unable to download app”.
I use iphone4. iOS7.
Im getting the same problem.
I’m getting the same issue here! Looks like a brilliant app.
Also having same issue.
I am also having the same issue that it doesn’t connect to the server
It worked for me for a while, but now I get the “no connection. unable to download app” message. Tried re-installing, no help.
I m able to upload the project but in ionic view its me error “There was an Error downloading the app”.
Any resolution for this.
I can download the app successfully and log in but I have no clue where to find my app id.
Currently I’ve successfully uploaded the app to the, I see it in my ionic view app on the phone, but when I try to launch it - I see the “No connection, unable to download app.” message.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for the app!
Same - I have managed to upload an app and log in, but when trying to select the app in Ionic View (on ios) I just get the “No connection, unable to download app.” message. I appreciate this is still in early beta, but just thought I’d mention it! Looks like it’s set to be a great tool once it;s up and running.