Pre-build Considerations

Hi guys

I’d like to build an app on the Ionic platform, but I have a few questions before I dive in.

I’d like to use in app purchases to handle a subscription style service, is this the best solution -> and if so, has anyone implemented it or are there tutorials for Ionic?

Secondly, I’d like to know if Apples ad platform, iAd I think, can be used in my app, if so, any tutorials?

Finally, does Ionic allow for the use of push notifications?

That’s it!

I haven’t tried any of this yet, but Ionic is built on Cordova (aka phonegap) so you should be able to use the same process outlined in that article. Ionic is just a framework for building HTML5 apps that look and feel native, but they still execute inside of a web frame. If its something you can do in Chrome, you’ll likely need some kind of plugin for Cordova to bridge the gap between the web frame and native OS.

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See also : In-App Purchases With Ionic

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Thanks guys, I’ll give it a try and if I get sorted I’ll write up a tut!