I just looked in the rendered ionic.css because I am having issue on Android devices: I don’t have visual feedback when I press and hold a button down for exemple. In angular, I usually use the ng-click-active style for this as specified in the angular doc here: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngTouch.directive:ngClick
But when I look in the rendered ionic.css file, I don’t see this anywhere. For exemple, for button class, I found .button.active and .button:active classes, but no .button.ng-click-active class. I believe this is an issue if we are using ng-touch.
Thanks for any clue on this.
Also, many big thanks to the Drifty team for this excellent framework which is making my life easier. You guys rock
I actually do not recommend ngTouch and wrote about it here:
However, our current setup may be missing what you need. I’ll create an issue and look into it to make sure the .active class is correctly working. Thanks