Is ionic vue 6 safe to use with ios 11+ devices?

The documentation says iOS 13+ with complete testing, we have a small group of users who are iOS 11 and 12 users and are now considering whether to use ionic vue 6 or ionic vue 5. What is the phenomenon if using ionic vue 6 on device < 13?

On web or using it with Cordova or Capacitor?

If using it on web or with Cordova, it’s possible that everything still works, in the end most things can be polifilled to work even on older versions (in return it adds more code to your app bundle).

If using it with Capacitor, some things will not work because it only support iOS 13+. Some code that was there for supporting older versions has been removed, so if your app uses some features, they won’t work.

Thanks for the reply.

It’s for capacitor, but we’re using capacitor 2.4, so we’re not going to upgrade capacitor yet. just ionic, which seems to work for now, because we’re still using a version of ionic/vue@0.0.9 that no longer exists, so we’ll have to upgrade.

I read the documentation that says:

Thanks for the reply.

It’s for capacitor, but we’re using capacitor 2.4, so we’re not going to upgrade capacitor yet. just ionic, which seems to work for now, because we’re still using a version of ionic/vue@0.0.9 that no longer exists, so we’ll have to upgrade.

I read the documentation that says:

In pursuit of adaptive styling, Ionic fully supports and is well tested on the mobile platforms listed below:

Framework Android iOS
Ionic v6 5.0+ with Chromium 60+ 13.0+
Ionic v5 5.0+ 11.0+
Ionic v4 4.4+ 10.0+

So, wondering if it’s safe to just upgrade ionic/vue to 6.