iOS build error: 'Could not find Xcode project' and 'modify_cap_ios_config'

I can’t finish the build on ionic app flow. However the build itself succeeds, but generating ipa is failing.

[15:23:30]: — Step: modify_cap_ios_config —
[15:23:30]: -----------------------------------
[15:23:30]: Error setting value ‘/Users/ionic/builds/project-0/ios/App/App.xcodeproj’ for option ‘xcodeproj’
[15:23:30]: You passed invalid parameters to ‘modify_cap_ios_config’.
[15:23:30]: Check out the error below and available options by running fastlane action modify_cap_ios_config

Also at the end of log I am getting:
[!] Could not find Xcode project

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did you find a solution?

Any solution for this???

I have the same problem.

I have same problem and cant find any solution for this

[12:04:10]: ▸ Ionic:
[12:04:10]: ▸ Ionic CLI       : 5.4.16
[12:04:10]: ▸ Ionic Framework : @ionic/vue 0.0.9
[12:04:10]: ▸ Capacitor:
[12:04:10]: ▸ Capacitor CLI   : 2.2.0
[12:04:10]: ▸ @capacitor/core : 2.2.0
[12:04:10]: ▸ Utility:
[12:04:10]: ▸ cordova-res : 0.14.1
[12:04:10]: ▸ native-run  : not installed
[12:04:10]: ▸ System:
[12:04:10]: ▸ NodeJS : v12.17.0 (/usr/local/Cellar/node@12/12.17.0/bin/node)
[12:04:10]: ▸ npm    : 6.14.4
[12:04:10]: ▸ OS     : macOS Mojave
[12:04:10]: Generating app manifest...
[12:04:10]: $ ionic deploy manifest
[12:04:11]: ▸ [OK] Appflow Deploy manifest written to ./dist/pro-manifest.json!
[12:04:11]: Error setting value '/Users/ionic/builds/[]/app/ios/App/App.xcodeproj' for option 'xcodeproj'
[12:04:11]: You passed invalid parameters to 'modify_cap_ios_config'.
[12:04:11]: Check out the error below and available options by running `fastlane action modify_cap_ios_config`

Solution that worked for me:

Make sure your platform directory is not included in your .gitignore
run npm run build
run npx cap sync ios
push a commit and try a build from that commit

Hope it helps!

Hi @development-wezeo

The doc advise not to commit the platform folders

I am using capacitor and to make it work I had to run “npx cap sync ios”, like @development-wezeo said, and add ios generated folder to commit (even though the documentation says not to).
After that it worked.

Any update on this issue?