No such module capacitor after XCODE update, HELP!

my Mac put on a forced update (big sur) last night , and it forced an XCODE (13) update

and now my app doesn’t build to run on my iphone

no such module capacitor

the node_modules/@capacitor/ios folder is there
npx cap sync works

I see search results that suggest deleting the ios folder and adding it again…
but there are a bunch of settings (many I don’t remember) that will be lost…

this works in the ios/App/App folder
xcodebuild -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App build

you need to delete the iOS folder and re add it again, no way around this.

ok, booooo

what a chore,

not quite there
get these messages during build (ionic capacitor sync ios)

 Images and other types of assets omitted.

 DONE  Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
 INFO  Check out deployment instructions at
> capacitor sync ios
[capacitor] ✔ Copying web assets from public to ios/App/App/public in 14.66ms
[capacitor] ✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in ios/App/App in 1.67ms

don’t remember public being involved before.


has public as the webdir

	"appId": "",
	"appName": "sampleapp",
	"webDir": "public",
	"bundledWebRuntime": false

I have fixed the capacitor.config,json in the project root, and now the cap copy/sync copies from dist to ios/App/App/public

and build in xcode completes…

but now my app is a blank page (i know my icon is not in the xcode settings yet, but is in the public/img folder), like none of my assets were deployed…

I can see the code, css, etc referenced in the index.html.

adding my Appicon fixes the problem altho I have a white screen for a little bit (splash screen?)

I faced the same issue after migrating to new laptop - when I did git clone, installed modules, built and synched capacitor - no matter what I’ve tried app won’t build in xCode until I removed the folder and did npx cap add ios

I’m new to capacitor and it already sounds quite frustrating that fresh project cloned from git just won’t run - or maybe I did something wrong?

is the ionic/capacitor versions the same as the last git push? these are really not cross version compatible from what I have seen

it happened within few hours, also I have package-lock.json in the repository so I expect versions to be same

but you install ionic and capacitor separately from you app repo…

I just crushed into this problem. Deleting the ios folder and putting it back didn’t correct the problem. I have no problems with ionic build nor anything else. Actually yesterday was doing good and all of a sudden the error popped and now there’s no way of getting rid of it.

Maybe try a Clean/Rebuild and Removing Derived Data? See iOS Troubleshooting Guide | Capacitor Documentation.

Thanks! I’ve tried that already. Didn’t do the trick.