Hi. I added Capacitor to my project a week ago, now I wanna go back to Cordova. I removed all the Capacitor packages etc and all references from my code but now I’m getting Capacitor errors when trying to build my iOS app using Appflow.
Appflow states that it’s a Cordova project
[23:58:56]: --------------------------------
[23:58:56]: --- Step: detect_native_type ---
[23:58:56]: --------------------------------
[23:58:56]: Checking if cordova or capacitor project
[23:58:56]: Cordova project detected
however I’m getting this error
[23:57:11]: Generating app manifest...
[23:57:11]: $ ionic deploy manifest
[23:57:12]: ▸ [ERROR] The webDir property must be set in the Capacitor configuration file (capacitor.config.json).
[23:57:12]: ▸ See the Capacitor docs for more information: https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/basics/configuring-your-app
This looks a little weird to me. I suspect it could an issue with your www directory configuration in your project.
It might be helpful for us to take a look at the entire log. It would be great, if you can contact the Appflow support along with your App Id and Build ID for further assistance.