Ionic4/Stencil - chat group?


Is there an official chat group (gitter, slack, something) for Ionic-4 and/or Stencil?

I’m new to Ionic and will only use it in the new world of “no framework” or “some framework that’s not angular” mode.

So, I’m looking for a forum that discusses this new direction, preview releases, and so forth as I embark on my ionic@4 preview adventure?

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About StencilJS:

  • On this forum I think there is now a category “Stencil” to tag your questions and answers with

  • About Slack, twitter etc. see the website of StencilJS under “Community” for the links

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Thanks, I found the slack for Stencil but unfortunately it requires an admin to invite/approve me. Not sure how to go about that.

How about Ionic4 itself? Stencil is just a ‘behind the scenes’ tool in so far as Ionic4 is concerned, is it not?

I was able to join the ionic-worldwide slack but it didn’t seem to have much chatter about ionic4 specifically.

Any other ideas? I was hoping to find a vibrant community around ionic4 and it’s embrace of web components in 2018 :slight_smile:

By comparison, Polymer3 has a fairly active crowd over on Gitter. Hoping to find the same for Ionic4.

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Correct, behind the scene. You don’t or will not need to know Stencil to use Ionic4, up to you

About Ionic4 itself, alpha version isn’t even released yet. I guess it’s gonna be the community you are looking for as soon as something will be testable

For Ionic itself, I mostly use the Forum, but maybe someone else use other channels. For Stencil and Capacitor I use the slack channels and this forum too.

Just thinking now, for news about Ionic4 you could also follow the Ionic team on twitter, they are kind of active there too

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As far as I understand, we’re no longer required to use Angular 5 / Ionic 4 on Capacitor, correct?

Stencil looks like React with TypeScript and it has all features of React so I think it will do the whole UI job by itself.

Stencil & Capacitor combo sounds promising. I’m studying React as well mainly because more companies want ReactJS than Angular 5.

I think so, I mean, Cordova isn’t an Angular thing neither no? Not sure actually but I think so

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I’m still not able to fully understand this new set up…
Stencil is react with typescript and shadow DOM. and Ionic 4 seems to be still using Angular 5. Why can’t they implement Ionic 4 UI to Stencil then? so users can choose?

For instance, Angular 5 users can go with Angular 5 & Ionic 4.
React users should be able to use Stencil & Ionic 4 UI without having to use angular 5.

Stencil & Ionic 4 UI components w/o angular 5 would make more sense…

Stencil is how they generate web components.
Ionic 4 will use web components.
So in a sense Ionic 4 will “use” stencils UI, but that’s also not an accurate way to think about it since Stencil presumably won’t provide the actual UI.

So you as an app developer won’t ever use Stencil, unless you want to create some custom web components.

Ionic-angular 4 will use Angular 5, but you don’t have to use Ionic-angular with Ionic 4 which is how it’ll be framework agnostic.

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That sounds very complicated… I may need to read tutorials about it later.

I create custom CSS3, HTML5 components for all my apps. I don’t rely on templates provided in Ionic in general besides its grid system, loading screen, and perhaps a few others.

In this case, can I solely rely on StencilJS and Capacitor?
I think Ionic team said Stencil is going to be much faster when used alone. I’m not sure if Stencil will ship with ability to use cordova plugins… or npm packages for React.
I hope it does. There are a lot of useful packages for React on
It will be great to use npm packages for both React and Angular in app development by the way. That’s going to be a huge pool of plugins to choose from.

Some relevant images/diagrams and to follow question of OP, I found them on twitter



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Yes… this is not easy to understand until I watch a detailed tutorial video that shows you how to use this set up. Especially, I don’t understand “can use React” part… because Stencil JS is react with TypeScript. Why do you need React framework on top of Stencil?

I’m studying Vue.JS and Laravel stack, as well as ReactJS. If stencil can use NPM packages for angular, reactJS, vueJS, it’s going to be a killer…
I imagine some ten thousands of NPM packages will be accessible in that set up.

Although for faster speed, I would go with stencil alone with custom made HTML5, CSS3 components.

I know it’s difficult but we have to be just a bit more patient, as soon as they gonna release the Alpha version of Ionic4 a lot of these questions gonna be answered in a couple of hours only :wink:

So back to OP questions. As you see the Forum is kind of active :wink: You could try Slack for Capacitor and Stencil and I would suggest to follow the Ionic team and other experts on twitter

If someone got better idea, plz provide OPs some links

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Agreed… and I’m glad to find I’m on a right track to study ReactJS. ReactJS works pretty well iwth Firebase like Angular 5 and you get two options: StencilJS & Capacitor stack or React Native.
StencilJS is clearly a hybrid of Angular 5 and React… it renders like React and it uses @Component like Angular 5.

It is these diagrams that has me asking and interested.

I see we have a stencil slack (though I can’t seem to access it) so I guess I’m wondering about the chatter on ‘ionic core’ from the diagram and learning more about the other ‘can use’ branches :slight_smile:

In the second diagram, it shows ionic framework below some other frontend framework - would like to know more about that too!

With all the youtube activity I saw last year on Stencil I figured things would be pretty far along in Ionic4 land (being almost April 2018). Maybe I just need to wait a bit longer?

Most probably we need to wait a bit more, I’m not against actually, more time they spend on it, better the quality gonna be straight from the begin

I created the “Can Use” diagram above, I have a blog post that accompanied it with more explanation: but I’ll provide a little more context here (I tried to keep the diagram simple, but obviously it doesn’t capture all the detail).

  • Stencil is a tool to create web components
  • Those web components can be used anywhere on the modern web (in any framework/no framework)
  • Ionic creates a bunch of web components for creating mobile applications using Stencil, these are called “Ionic Core”
  • Ionic Core components can be used anywhere just like the web components can, because they are no different to any other web components
  • You can also create your own web components with Stencil to use anywhere
  • There is an Angular specific “ionic-angular” package for Ionic/Angular applications, which is what we have been using for a long time, but apps built with this still make use of the Ionic Core web components.

Perhaps one confusing factor is that although Stencil is a tool for building web components, the Ionic team have also supplied some starter projects with a nice structure for building applications using Stencil. This kind of also makes Stencil feel like its own framework that you can use to build apps, and you can certainly use it that way.


“Ionic Framework” there is a bit incorrect, I think it refers to “Ionic User Interface Element” or “Ionic Web Components”, NPM package name is @ionic/core. These are the Ionic UI components, now built with Stencil.

(The new Ionic Angular will also use those internally)

This clarifies StencilJS is a framework like ReactJS, VueJS, Angular 5.
From my understanding, StencilJS is a mixture of ReactJS and Angular 5.

It uses Props, Render from ReactJS, @component, typescript from Angular 5.

So it can stand on its own! and both React users, Angular 5 users can learn to use Stencil easily.
and Angular 5 will be completely optional in Ionic 4.

I certainly don’t view Stencil as a framework anything like React/Vue/Angular.

It appears to me Stencil is purely some helpers for writing web components? I guess it depends on where you draw the line when branding something a development framework?

Anyway, back to my original post - the final answer is there is no real-time chat for Stencil or Ionic4 at this time which is publicly available.

It doesn’t seem to have all features of Angular and React but when you look at it, you can definitely see it’s intending to be a light-weight version of these development frameworks.
It’s like watered down version angular and react…