i tried to load my ionic 2 app in browser, the page seems that load but i don’t see anything, blank page with the title of the app on head. the console not shows anyerror and cmd look good.
it just happen today.
anyone show this problem today?
@adirzoari, Can you please share your code?
just try to reload the page.
I have this time to time during development… ionic service creates the new resources, but the browser refresher does not work correctly and shows an empty page after that.
yes but i have big project, what code to share? i don’t have any error on my page
what to do then?
have you solve this problem?
Do you see any errors on the console in the browser?
it’s happen to me when i forget to install some plugin wich i gone use.
In device works fine?
no i don’t see any error but i notice that everytime i run “ionic serve” it delete my fonts folder from "assets/fonts/
in device i see it but login page not works good. i tried to log in without sucees.
but in my browser when i see the page, the log in works fine.
too lack of information to help u
i just record my screen to let you see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krCibsE3eog
@adirzoari, can you please delete node_modules and do npm install again?
I could see type script version, but please ensure the rest as well.
ionic rc0 based on node 6, try using node 6
i have node 6 but still same problem
thank you for interest,
i did exactly what you did,
in chrome it’s doesn’t work, in explorer i see the app.why is that?
run ionic info comand and past output here
what is the chrome version
can you show screen shot of it with dev tool open
i run ionic info i get is
Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 6.3.1
Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0-rc.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.1.0
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.0-beta.1
Node Version: v6.7.0
i add the photo i compare between chrome and explorer
i have the latest version in chrome and it not works, but in explorer it works.
not sure @adirzoari fore me ionic rc0 apps are working fine. I hope you are using typescript version 2.0.3
yes i use.
i get this errror now
Ionic is not recognized as an internal or external command
look on this issue