In my company we are about start a new project. Developers are coming from angular background and feels that ionic 4 is easier to work with than ionic 3.
But Ionic 4 is in beta version. Can anyone tell me when stable version of ionic 4 will be out?
Or if we continue with beta version, is there any chance of breaking change or any other risk?
The company has been careful not to set a date. At this moment, it’s a stone cold fact that the documentation isn’t good, and it’s my strong belief that a few breaking changes are coming, though I have no evidence for this.
You could write in Ionic 3, and make your routing as lowest priority code to write. Most of the nonrouting code will move easily from 3 to 4. Then you could either finish the project in 3 or 4, depending on the state of 4 when you’re ready to do the routing.
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If you go the pass v3 and then v4 I would advice to not style too much while developing in v3 in order to spare time as long as you are not sure with wich version you gonna go productive
For me, migrating the code to v4 is easy, it works just fine, migrating the style is a bit much of work because of the introduction of shadow dom and the fact that my app is way too much customized, my bad 
But if you don’t have heavy style customization of course it will not be that crazy
It’s a tough decision. Thanks for your valuable suggestion.
I guess they might release another beta this week, just guessing if they keep on with the same rythm, your team could give a try, that could help to decide
Hey @HarinderAsr Ionic 4 RC out. They are planning to final(Stable) release of ionic 4 by mid of Jan 2019. Hope will get it soon.