Ionic 2 List scrolling does not work if tap event within list item

Scrolling does not work if tap event within list item

  <ion-list >      
            <ion-item *ngFor="let item of MyList" (tap)="onItemTap(item)" class="hes-item" detail-push>
                    <ion-col width-33>{{item.fDateRecorded |date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}</ion-col>

but scrolling works if click event within list items

  <ion-list >      
            <ion-item *ngFor="let item of MyList" (click)="onItemTap(item)"  detail-push>
                    <ion-col width-33>{{item.fDateRecorded |date:'dd MMM yyyy'}}</ion-col>

It seems to be an issue with the gestures.
I’m experiencing the same by using the press event.

Let’s wait for the devs for this one.

Thanks for your comments on this…I am updating with beta 10 let see how it behave in beta 10

wait for next release, this issue is in beta.10

Same issue. Resolved?

Same issue in beta 11

Any news on this issue?