Ionic 1.3 Release Candidate w/ Angular 1.5 update

I’m running with the same problem. It seems to be something related with cordova ios-deploy.
The way I deal with it:

  • Control+C to stop the process
  • After that killall ios-deploy
  • After that start the app again from the phone

Happens only on device, iPhone emulator works fine.
Running to an Android device doesn’t show any problems.

Hope it hlps. Best regards.

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Hi @danbucholtz,

I’m not able to get the comonent structure work in combination with a sidemenu. It loads my component but doesn’t update the nav title and back button…

Do you have a more advanced example of how to work with components in ionic?


thanks, that solves my question as to why component isn’t working, but interesting enough I got my example from this

Never mention it doesn’t work with ionic 1.

It wouldn’t since ui-router is a dependency of Ionic, not the other way around.

haha, I suppose I learn it the hard way.

The latest version 1.3.3 is still using the old ui-router 0.2.x which means it doesn’t support component routing. Please support it. Thanks.

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