Hi folks,
with RC1 oft Angular 1.4 around the corner, I was wondering if you plan to make the transition to 1.4 or if you’ll stick with 1.3 until 2.0 is released.
Do you have a plan already?
Hi folks,
with RC1 oft Angular 1.4 around the corner, I was wondering if you plan to make the transition to 1.4 or if you’ll stick with 1.3 until 2.0 is released.
Do you have a plan already?
We’re not entirely sure ourselves. It depends how many things break in Ionic with 1.4. When we have a production release of 1.4, we’ll compare how many things break against how much progress is being made with v2 and make a judgement call then.
Hi Perry,
Do you think you will support the new router? Defining states at run time is a requirement for our newly planned app…
Regards, Ronald
Hi, AngularJS 1.4 has been released.
Any updates about your decision?
Thank you
I’m going to test it out on a wide array of projects and devices next week. Stay tuned.
Thanks very much to you and rest of Ionic team.
Angular 1.4 would be great because i just ran into this.
its harder to fix traditional method because i’m using lodash’s groupBy
Given the huge differences between 1.x and 2.0 I think a lot of companies are going to remain with the 1.x version of Angular for a relative long time. We are planning to do so and a lot of people that I’ve talked to are planning to do the same. So in our opinion supporting 1.4 seems like it would be the right thing to do.
@perry, is there any update to this? I am curious to know how it panned out.
Where are we at with this issue? Can anyone in the ionic team chime in and tell us if making a transition to 1.4 like the one in this tutorial is safe?
@perry Any update on this please? Preferably an ETA.
I’ve played a little bit and here is my playground:
Ionic with AngularJS 1.4 in ES6 and the ngNewRouter
But the Classes (MainController) are created twice… anyone knows why?
This is slated for 1.1, no eta
Hi, in the generator-m are being to use AngularJS 1.4. You can read more about this here.
It seems that using ionic with angularjs 1.4 could be stable.
Ionic 1.1.0 "xenon-xerus" has been released! It includes Angular 1.4.