I’m new to Ionic, but find it’s an amazing and ambitious framework for mobile app. I deem it’s the future for mobile world. But soon after I started to use Ionic, I found the video tag became a mess if Ionic CSS applied. Reading through this forum, I found another guy reported the same issue (CSS Ionic and Tag Video HTML5). Have the creators of Ionic noticed this issue? Can this issue be solved in the future release? Many thanks.
Hmm, I had this issue too with android’s video player, particularly older versions of android (4.0-4.2)
It’s not really ionic’s fault, but more or less of the default video player of the android’s browser. There are a few angular video players out there, one being VideoAngular (which IMO is pretty complicated, but covers every aspect of a video player.
For most cases I just use Youtube or any other video service providers and some css to create a responsive iFrame solution.
I’ll ping the devs and see what there take on this is, find out if something is in the works for a ionic video player or something.
Thanks for quick response. I just came across Videogular. Can Videogular be displayed correctly along with Ionic CSS? Have you tried it? My app needs to play our own video resources, so I can’t use Youtube or any others. In the past few days, I was trying to solve this issue by overriding Ionic CSS with other js video players, such as video.js, but no luck. I will try Videogular also soon.
I’ve just tried Videogular in my Ionic project on my Android 4.2 phone. The video screen gets better than raw video tag, but still doesn’t look comfortable. Aside from look&feel, the biggest problem I met is the video screen cannot turn to be full-screen. I put the Videogular on an ion-tab’s ion-view. There is a fullscreen switch button on the video, but after tapping it, the video screen just changes a little bit bigger, far from full-screen. And the ion-tabs bar seems have even higher z-index than the “full-screen” video. Don’t know why…
I’m not a fan of videoangular myself either, I’d much prefer a simpler, more straight forward video player themed to match ionics look and feel (maybe a project today?)
But like I mentioned above, I’d recommend using a video service providers embed option just to keep a consistent look and feel
Hi Mike, do you know if the Ionic has the same video tag issue on iPhone?
As far as i know, there shouldn’t be any issues with ios (much better/richer webview).
Again, the issue isn’t fully ionic, but androids webview
Thanks Mike. Next, I will run my Ionic app on iPhone to verify that.
I’m experiencing this issue on an Android 4.1.2 device and I prefer not to use an external library like videoangular or an external video service provider.
Mike (@mhartington) said that the problem is the default video player in older Android browsers, but I created a simple test app based on the ionic start
default project and found that removing the <link href="lib/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
makes the video
tag show a much nicer player (see images below).
The code I’m using for the test video is:
<video id="video1" width="480" preload="metadata" controls webkit-playsinline>
<source type="video/mp4" src="http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4"></source>
<source type="video/ogg" src="http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.ogg"></source>
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
I don’t really understand the reason, because I looked into ionic.css
and couldn’t find anything relevant related to the video
elements. Any idea?.
Thanks & regards,
With ionic.css
Without ionic.css
After some testing I’ve finally managed to fix the appearance of the player by creating it inside a local iframe
I found issues adding the code of the video
element (which is dynamic) into the iframe
, because writing directly to the iframe.contentDocument
(as suggested here) made the app crash in Android 4.1.2, but using a data
URL worked. This is how the code looks:
var DATA_SRC_PREFIX = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,";
var HTML5_PLAYER_DATA_CODE = '<html><head></head><body>' +
'<video poster="{{poster}}" preload="metadata" controls webkit-playsinline>' +
'<source ng-repeat="src in playerSrcList track by $index" ng-src="{{trustResourceUrl(src.url)}}" type="{{src.format}}">' +
'Your browser doesn\'t support HTML5 video.' +
'</video>' +
var compiledPlayer = $compile("<div>" + HTML5_PLAYER_DATA_CODE + "</div>")(scope);
$timeout(function(){ //Need timeout to wait to get the interpolated html code
scope.model.iFrameDataSrc = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(
DATA_SRC_PREFIX + escape(compiledPlayer.html())
Anyway I still wonder how ionic.css
affects the appearance of the video
Hope it helps.
Hmm, yeah I would like to know why as well…
The video playing uses shadowDom, which we don’t have access to with css…
We’ll look into this and see whats going on. Can you make an issue for this and post the two images as well?
Hi and thanks for the code.
I’ve been trying to use the code to solve the iframe loading problem, it but I simply can’t figure out how to use it correctly.
Any chance to make a Plunkr, so we can learn the correct way of using it?
Many thanks in advance.
Ok, I got it working as a directive.
It’s working great, and doesn’t need $compile nor $timeout.
On the directive’s file:
.directive('dynamicUrl', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function postLink(scope, element, attr) {
element.attr('src', attr.dynamicUrlSrc);
On the template file:
<iframe src="" dynamic-url dynamic-url-src="{{URL}}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The solution came from:
EDIT: Sorry, it DOES needs $timeout… If its triggered without it, it will be too fast, and the DOM wont have been updated yet. See my plnkr in the post below for a working solution.
Yes, please. I’m getting the same problem now in iOS8 and would love to get around it somehow but can’t figure out how to use your iFrame workaround.
Ok, here’s a plnkr of what I did.
One crucial step is the timeout on the directive, as you need to wait for the dom to be built, so it can be manupulated by the directive.
Hi mhartington,
I tried your example its working fine for your video url but when i am passing other YouTube url its not working.
Could not find where is the problem is any security with other videos.
Sounds like a case of not whitelisting the url…something that tripped me up too
For me the video would play fine on iOS and not play at all on Android. urbgimtam’s solution absolutely worked for me. Thanks.
The true reason the CSS is messed up in video
and audio
tags is that the styles in ionic’s _range.scss
are leaking to the tag’s shadow DOM. input[type="range"]
selector and its pseudo-selectors cause the messed styles…