Hello friends, I am developing a small application using phonegap and ionic better to know it, and no doubt a great tool, however I just came across a problem that is being caused by ionic css provavelvente that this conflicts with the webkit android 4.3 S3, in other versions of android and the application running on a desktop browser works correctly however in the s3 browser with android 4.3 ta break the visual tag html5 video settings. Could someone help me?
see the pictures attached, one with and one without the ionic css. Thank you!
I’ve seen this too on 4.1. I had some trouble with video tags on android even before ionic. Would be a nice feature to create an Ionic Video Directive…
As for solutions, for the time being I switched over to using youtube or other video providers. Theres a nice article about getting responsive iframe videos that could help too.
Mhartington Hello, thank you for the feedback, I use one vimeo pro account to serve video for this application which allows us to use a custom player, did some testing with the native plugin player for Android and it worked perfectly however I would use the tag html5 video that also worked well for Android and iOS 4.x +, Ionic bad when I added the application controls video broke, I’ll try to resolve this situation which seems related to some x css webkit. hopefully soon I can post a solution. Sorry my English, I am Brazilian and I am not very good with English, Thank you.