I have been trying to update to ionic v2, but it seems no matter what I do I cannot get the CLI to create a v2 app. I have tried uninstalling ionic (npm uninstall -g ionic) to reinstall, it it always list the --v as 1.7.15, even right after the uninstall, but if I do nom list -g ionic it shows ionic@2.1.18. Any ideas?
maybe clean your npm cache and reinstall
1 npm uninstall -g cordova ionic
2 npm cache clean
3 npm install -g cordova ionic
and then create an app by appending --v2 at the end like ionic start myApp --v2
Thanks for the advice but it didnt work either. I’m guessing a older version of Ionic is installed somehow in another location or something like that which is overriding it. When I did the uninstall it showing unbuilding version 2.1.18… not really sure where to go from here.
This is what I am getting when I try to update:
Brandons-Mac-mini-4:KenGarff_new brandonbatie$ sudo npm install -g ionic
/Users/brandonbatie/.npm-packages/bin/ionic -> /Users/brandonbatie/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ionic/bin/ionic
ionic@2.1.18 /Users/brandonbatie/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/ionic
└── @ionic/app-generators@0.0.3
Brandons-Mac-mini-4:KenGarff_new brandonbatie$ ionic --v