Can I develop IONIC2 app on windows, then move code to Mac to build?

Hi everyone,

I dont have a MAC, so I need to develop my Ionic2 app on windows.

I do have a VMWARE running Mac OS Sierra , so I´m wondering if once I´m happy with app working rough, can I pass code over to my Mac vm to build IOS version?

Presumably, I could build use Ionic cloud too which has a native build service?


The easiest might be to use Ionic View during development, but yeah you should be able to seamlessly move the code over to OSX. Would recommend a git repo to make it easier :wink:

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Thanks @mich356c, that was quick!

You could also look into Ionic Package:

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Thanks @Sujan12 for your comments

You’re welcome.

But actually I forgot to mention that if you have access to a Mac, I would suggest you at least trying it that way. Many things are just not possible with a service like Package and you still need to create stuff initially you need a Mac for.

can i just copy the (development) App folder from the windows and paste in in the mac machine (where the cordova is installed) , and run the build syntax for ios as normally! will this work? [development in windows for ios &android using ionic-v1]

Yes of course it will work.In my team i work on Windows. But my other team members had Mac…And the code ran on their side when i use to share the same.

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