In the guide it says:
“You can develop Ionic apps on any operating system you prefer” but then “you must have OS X in order to develop and deploy iPhone apps”. I cannot build an IOS platform on Windows (but have no problem with Android). Is that the reason please?
The reason is Apple. It is simply not possible to develop iPhone/iOS apps on any platform other than a Mac.
Ionic/Cordova/PhoneGap allow you to develop in HTML5, but when the app is actually built, it compiles to a native format, be it Android/iOS/whatever. Since you can’t compile a native iOS app anywhere but Mac - it’s a no-go on Windows, tho you can still do your HTML5 dev work there.
So that is what the docs mean. You can fire up an editor and write your Ionic app anywhere, but when it comes time to build - if you want to build for iOS, you will need a Mac.
try this
Try Delphi XE5 to XE10 then you will be able to write apps and compile it to IOS, Android, OSX and Windows without the need of any apple complement.
hi monkrocker i want to make an ios app on windows… can i just do the coding task in windows and while compile and publish by borrowing my friend mac? pls i need to know the answer is it possible?
Yes you can do that
But remember that to build a production ready app i.e an app which can be uploaded on the app store. You will need a developer account and need to configure that id on your friend’s mac.
But you can build a development version and test it all you want using your friend id
Please give some more details
there are little trick to build ios on windows.
you need :
vmware Workstation with crack to run MACOS
iSO FOR MACOS or just get VM ready they are disponible on internet
this way is 100% work i used more than 8 month now .
good luck and keep moving
please give me step by step procedure…
There is a search engine called Google I think
hi @Arulmano
you can find the steps to run MACOS on windowsn in this link
after that you can install xcode and work normally