1.1.0 “xenon-xerus” released!

###Angular 1.4 is now in Ionic!!

Download Instructions: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic#quick-start293

<a name"1.1.0">

1.1.0 “xenon-xerus” (2015-06-30)

Bug Fixes

  • location: Fix preventDefault logic in ionic.Gesture.gestures.Drag (e10b5d2)
  • menuClose: Prevent clicking on current page link in sidemenu from disorganizing page hierarchy. Fixes #4132) (a379bfd)
  • select: prevent words from being cut off (e8724e1)
  • tabs: adjust tabs and content when hiding the nav bar (7e4fb15)


  • angular: Upgrade to Angular 1.4 (355bf6a)
  • clearCache: clearCache returns a promise (336c388)