Hi pals
I am having serveral troubles starting projects on Ionic. Projects starts leaving errors in package.json dependencie versions. It proposed me to run npm install with --force or another parameter that I don’t remember right now. The problem left solved apparently but remains 43 moderate vulnerabilities. If I install modules I have to run npm install after in orther to update dependencies; after that I have to run npm audit fix --force.
If I forget to do some step then any module like AndroidPermissions or DeviceAccounts for instants throw an error message about missing properties.
please, anyone has begun an ionic project and had the same troubles? Starting projects is a harder process…
Hey there!
So based on what you’re describing, do you have npm7 installed? npm7 introduce a lot of issues all over the javascript ecosystem as it changed how dependencies are resolved. This would happen with any major JS project, not just Ionic.
npm audit’s are again kind of the default now. Since projects with angular/react/vue depend on so many deps for their tooling, they’re bound to find some issues. But most of the time they are fine to ignore.
If I forget to do some step then any module like AndroidPermissions or DeviceAccounts for instants throw an error message about missing properties.
Not sure what you mean here, what are you trying to use?
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So how to fix this issue? just keep doing npm audits?
I want to use both AndroidPermissions and DeviceAccounts. But the problem is bigger because before I have not to do so many things to begin a project
At the moment, they’re pretty safe to ignore. I’ve brought this to the attention of the angular CLI team just to let them know, but it’s a never ending race to.
Honestly not sure what the long term solution is since almost all of the audits our 3-4 layers deep of deps of deps of deps.
I don’t find those plugins on Capacitor. I don’t want to use Cordova at the same time. Anyone knows how to?
I solved most plugin versions using nodeJs STL version and doing a lot of audits
It sounds like you’re asking multiple questions…one question per post please.