Weird Console.log: 10 error in google plus login using firebase

I am trying to implement google-plus login using firebase in my Ionic3/Angular application for Android/iOS. I am using cordova-plugin-googleplus plugin and ionic-native-google-plus for google plus login for my application.

I followed this tutorial. But, i am getting an weird console.log: 10 error while trying to login in the android device.

I have found an existing issue link for this specific problem. I have tried everything of there but nothing is working for me. It is taking toll on me for 2-3 days.

Can anyone point me out what could be the solution to avoid this weird error?

I had exactly the same issue on Android device only 10 days ago. My problem was that I forgot to build the app with --release. I did comment the issue you linked,, see “peterpeterparker”

Oh, i will need your help man. It is giving me pain for 2-3 days. I did not understand your below part:

BUT, something really important, if you “only” upload your sha-1 from your release store in firebase then you could also only use the login with gmail if you sign your apk, otherwise it just won’t work

ionic cordova build android --prod
→ Ain’t gonna work, only the sha-1 store of your release is uploaded in Firebase

ionic cordova build android --prod --release
→ Hooray

I have the SHA certificate fingerprint from debug.keystore in the firebase android project. Is it creating problem for me?

Oh if you try with the debug certificate probably not the same issue then, sorry

Hope one of the post in the github issue you linked will guide you to your solution

Did you face this problem with your debug certificate?

I didn’t tried with the debug certificate