Error 10 in Google plus login using ionic 5 capacitor


I am trying to implement google SSO login using my ionic 5 app using capacitor and angular 9 for android/ios. Initially I created app in google console for android and generated clientid.

However my google plus connect code is giving error10 on login. the code i m using is as below. I found all available examples using cordova and none using capacitor for angular.

import { GooglePlus } from ‘@ionic-native/google-plus/ngx’;

params = {
‘webClientId’: environment.androidClientId,
‘offline’: true
.then((response) => {
console.log('response : ’ + response);
const { idToken, accessToken } = response
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error : ’ + error)
this.userData = Error ${JSON.stringify(error)};

In above code, it does open popup to enter google id and password but then go to catch with error 10 as response. Please guide.

There are lots of threads involving this error. Can you list the specific steps you tried from them, so that people don’t repeat suggestions you’ve already evaluated?

I did try these threads and most of them are either for cordova and not capacitor OR with firebase and not native google console app OR using react not angular 9 and ionic 5.

As stated on the 1st line, I am using ionic 5 on Angular 9 using capacitor for google signin. Please guide…

Hey, I’m facing the same issue. Did you manage to solve this?

Yes I solved it.

You need to create file with following



storeFile=pathto file


And in mention

the name of above created file so it will then pick the google account u created and connect.

All the Best

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sorry i meant file in platform\android

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Hi, I currently have the same problem.
Could you give me an example of the file configuration. I have created the file in the same directory as

However I am not sure how to define the path of the “storeFile”