Hi, I tried the last beta, but my simple view is not displayed because I’ve this error:
"Error: onMouseWheel is not defined
How in the world do you upgrade a project from a previous version? I’ve done it before but cannot remember what I did. This should be easy and should be in the release notes, please.
Delete the old css, fonts, js folders from “YourProjectFolder/www/lib/” and paste the new one
If you use gulp you can find the scss here “https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-bower” do the same like in 2 with the scss than open you project folder with the terminal and type gulp
PS: If there are code changes you must look in the forum
Fixed in the nightly builds. There was a jshint error with defining a function inside an if-block that wasn’t fixed, which I guess Firefox really hates.
it seems that the old keyboard issue(the keyboard is covering up the input fields in a form when typing and you cannot scroll up) is back in beta4. beta3 didn’t have this issue. does anyone have this issue in beta4?
There’s another issue, when entering text into a text field, the text fields didn’t get updated until you tap on somewhere else. e.g. you type"abcd" into a text field. when you close the keyboard, the text field is still blank. I have to tap on some other field in order make “abcd” to show up on the text field that I was trying enter.
I am testing on my nexus4 w/4.4 and I set to fullscreen in the config.xml
While that may be their focus now lets keep in mind that desktop browser support is still nearly half the market share.
Saying desktop browsers aren’t a priority makes a lot of assumptions about how a developer may actually use the framework too. For example ---- I am currently building a web app with Ionic and when it’s done I will use build scripts to tailor the experience for Android/iOS apps ---- this allows me to keep a unified code-base, which is very, very powerful.