Download Instructions:
1.0.0-beta.12 “krypton-koala” (2014-09-10)
Bug Fixes
- back button: do not animate back button transition if the title doesn’t change. (d3c8a1b2, closes #1858)
- buttons: centering icons on tag buttons. (69442d5a, closes #2074)
- classList: error on svg elements (98629d42, closes #1795)
- always render data correctly with before/after isblings (120f99ee, closes #2025)
- simplify item reusing process to fix rare reuse error (8c6d5f2c, closes #1777)
- with ngHref, make href attr erase if falsy (977f6818, closes #1674)
- rerender when $ionicScrollDelegate resizes (5e025fbb, closes #1777)
- ignore spacing of hidden elements (ion-refresher) (9bfa3bd1, closes #1970)
- ionContent: fix rare positioning bug when overflow-scroll is enabled (84b5e919, closes #1281)
- item: clicks climb 5 levels looking for an item to activate, but not 6. (840c014b, closes #1921)
- keyboard: screen.height fallback for window.innerHeight (77847f49, closes #2168)
- loading: potential race condition with showing and hiding loading in same watch cycle (65aece2a)
- menuContent: gestures do not stop_browser_behavior (df578585, closes #421)
- platform: fullscreen method will not offset footer by 20px (b1f94da2)
- popup:
- refresher: finish animating before changing icon, hide when not in use (c336e8ed)
- reorder:
- scroll:
- scrollView: resolve memory leaks with holding element references (c5966bba)
- sideMenu:
- $ionicBody: service to simplify body ele interaction (2c3f1c9f)
- $ionicConfigProvider: add $ionicConfigProvider (2643cffc)
- $ionicScrollDelegate: expose zoomBy and zoomTo methods (029f8f33, closes #1977)
ionContent: add
option (af229072, closes #2034) - ionScroll: add locking option (cc8f31d8, closes #2034)
- popover: support popping from bottom or top of screen (5d06c4ae, closes #1986)
- scroll-content: add 1px padding-top (e5b5906c)
- splitView: expose side menu on large viewport (b69aa548)
- templateCache: automatically cache template files to prevent flicker on page navigation and imp (944a92b0)