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1.0.0-rc.0 “neodymium-newt” (2015-03-05)
Bug Fixes
$ionicLoading: make
work if loader is delayed (878c8170, closes #3022) -
syntax error in Android 2.3 (1f2d900e) -
- restore scrollView’s normal behavior when repeater is destroyed (864b46aa, closes #2078)
- resize scrollView when data changes (88aebad3, closes #2523)
- properly resize, but only when scrollView size actually changes (b7a09689, closes #2935, #3054)
- don’t rerender on window resize when view is cached (4f0598dd, closes #2677)
- properly display sibling elements after a collection-repeat (7913ee0f)
- Properly calcuate list height and show ion-infinite-scroll. (83899681, closes #2376)
- css: add height to item-image and fix nav-bar (c1ef4718)
- exposeAsideWhen: trigger a resize event when the aside is exposed (27298e92, closes #3054)
- gestures: improve drag/swipe response (a5881eae, closes #1729, #2674)
- history: index check before forwardViewId = null (2885258d)
- iframe: add .iframe-wrapper for scrollable iframe (b7cd6cb1, closes #1151)
- input: Fix inline input flexbox model to prevent input from being cut off (d68ecc16)
- ionItem: properly hide option buttons on scroll in collection-repeat (7fec8480, closes #1811, #2804)
- ionLoadingConfig: fix default loading template (9749bb97)
- ionReorder: stop icon from hiding on reorder (c5b35eee)
- listView:
- loading: options.hideOnStateChange: also hide on stateChangeError (3d128535, closes #3051)
- navBar:
- navButtons: fixed case where buttons would display under each other in 4.4 (eef1d32b)
- popover:
- hide the scrollbar on desktop so it matches content size of mobile (0e04f391)
- cleanup native scroll listeners only if activated (df6dcb96)
- fix IE mousewheel scroll (be094336)
- show scrollbars during native scrolling (ecfd0e07)
- do not click when scroll decelerating (e8a70f37, closes #1438, #2223, #2665)
- scrollDelegate: revert change that made all scroll* methods blur inputs (0145dc37, closes #2745)
- scrollView: higher velocity threshold for sliding (93643c41)
- sideMenu: check whether drag is enabled before dragging (acd0ff8f)
- sidemenu: prevent scroll during menu drag (51ed1824, closes #2808)
- styles: fix to tables in _variable.scss #2949 (9d676b0d)
- tabs:
- video: prevent styles from bleeding into html video tag (7e762b9c)
- viewSwitcher: do not finish transition from bubbled transitionend events (6fa75b7f, closes #3006, #3063)
- actionsheet: android style/layout, iOS update (b837fb24)
- collectionRepeat:
- doubletap: add onDoubleTap directive (42569cca, closes #2292)
- header: remove bottom border when tabs top (f6566726)
- icons: svg loaders and ionicons v2.0.1 (6f50c87e)
- infiniteScroll: upgrade infinite scrolling spinner to use new ion-spinner directive (65aa2af9)
- ionReorder: better animations (cbe5c71c)
- ionSlideBox: hide/show pager depending on dynamic show-pager attribute (c631a8ef)
- modal: bg only for inset modals (5de1c126)
- pullToRefresh: add on-pull-progress (955f4411)
- refresher:
- scroll: freeze scroll on ion-option-button swipe (9a88c417, closes #2950)
- scrolling: Allow native scrolling to be configurable, add infinite scroll support for nativ (54c27ff8)
- spinners: add ionic color convention (2b88b4fe, closes #3077)
- swipe: iOS swipe to go back (8ebde73d)
- tabs: Allow disabled tab items (bffbee40)