In my very little spare time, I’m trying to build a MVP app.
As a backend I’m planning to use Neos CMS and then build a Rest API.
As I don’t have much spare time, I need to find the frontend solution which will bring me to the goal, as easy and fast as possible.
At some point I need to be able to send push notifications. Later on it would be great if I could record video with the phone’s camera. I’m a backender, but I have some JavaScript experience.
So the question is if Ionic is the way to go for me, or if you would point me in other directions?
I have also had a look at VueJs with Framework7 and OnsenUI in the combination with Cordova.
Also I been thinking about going the PWA way.
Also if you recommend Ionic - is the latest release (3.3) the one to go with?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
All three options can be used to build a MVP app - and more.
All these three - Framework7, OnsenUI and Ionic - use Cordova for the native part.
Popularitywise Ionic leads by a mile.
If you go with Ionic, use the most current of everything.
Thanks for your answer.
I know that all of the three will be able to get me there. But because of lack of time, the main point here is to get me from here to there in fastest possible way - not compromising too much on the end product of course.
So is Ionic the framework which will possibly get me in goal fastest, taken my prerequisites and requirements into consideration.
Questions one could ask:
How is the learning curve compared to other alternatives?
Are examples, documentation and tutorials updated for the newest version, so I will not spend time being confused about things not working?
Is it stable and is the performance great?