Swipe view left-to-right for go back state

Wow! with the new nightly ‘999’ I’ve found the swipe (from left to right) for back to the previous view!

Thanks @mhartington !!!

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SHhhh its a secret :wink:

Glad to hear you like it. @adam did a great job on it

@mhartington, cool feature indeed. But in my case I need to disable it in several states. How can I achieve that? Thanks!

As we finalize the feature, I’m sure this will be something available once it is officially released.

Thanks. Let me explain my case. Imagine edit form. A user fills out a form and makes swipe happen by mistake. We get an angry user :blush:

I found the solution: $ionicConfigProvider.views.swipeBackEnabled(false);

This is great news. Any idea when this will make the release?