Side menu sections - header persists when I go back to tabs

I’ve a sidemenu with tabs app. It’s essentially a clone of the system I use for another app that has no problems.

The layout

3 tabs with a sidemenu. The tabs have the content, the sidemenu has the about, support, instructions, etc. And a close button as well as a “back to content” button.

The “back to content” button links to the tab view like this:

<ion-item nav-clear menu-close ui-sref="app.tabs">
        <i class="icon ion-document-text"></i>
          BACK TO APP

and in app.js I have:

.state('app.tabs', {
url: "/tabs",
views: {
  'menuContent': {
    templateUrl: "templates/tabs.html"


This is identical to another app I have.

In that app going back to the tabs changes the title to that of the tabs view:

<ion-view view-title="MyAppName">
<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-color-calm"> 

In this new one the title remains the same as the last side menu section navigated to.

This then also breaks the navigation history when using the tabs.

Why would this happen?

So following on from this, and my inability to fix it, I’m considering the wisdom of sidemenu+tabs.

After all, it’s not an “official” layout.

What does the panel think of using modals to link to settings and about pages? Or should I just use a settings button in the top right that goes to a new menu? The sidemen+tabs seemed much… simpler? More elegant? It’s certainly user friendly…