Setting styleUrls to a function/variable gives a weird error

I’m trying to generate the objet for the styleUrls dynamically, but when doing so I’m getting the weirdest error.
Here is the interesting pieces of my code:

  tag: 'my-input',
  styleUrls: getStylesForComponent('my-input'),
export const getStylesForComponent = (component: string): { [key: string]: string } => {
  return {
    style1: `themes/${component}.style1.scss`,
    style2: `themes/${component}.style2.scss`,

If I do this I’m getting this error on the terminal when building:

[ ERROR ]  Debug Failure. False expression: Negative numbers should be created in combination with
           createPrefixUnaryExpression at Object.createNumericLiteral
           at convertValueToLiteral
           at (<anonymous>) at objectToObjectLiteral
           at convertValueToLiteral
           at (<anonymous>) at objectToObjectLiteral
           at convertValueToLiteral

Currently I have the styleUrls like this, which causes no errors:

  tag: 'my-input',
  styleUrls: {
    style1: `themes/my-input.style1.scss`,
    style2: `themes/my-input.style2.scss`,

Is it possible to set the styleUrls to a function/variable that returns the actual object? It doesn’t sound like something that can’t be done but somehow it fails, maybe I’m missing something?

Thank you!!