Failed to resolve module specifier "@stencil/router"

Hi ! I have this error when I build my app with npm start command.

Any idea ?

Thx a lot :slight_smile:

How looks your route configuration?

In my layout component, I have

import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';
import '@stencil/router';

  tag: 'layout-component',
  export class LayoutComponent {
    return (
          <stencil-route-switch scrollTopOffset={0}>
            <stencil-route url='/shop/v2' component='home-component' exact={true} />
            <stencil-route url='/shop/v2/login/' component='login-component' />

And in my header component (where there are navigation links)

import {Component, Element, h, Prop} from '@stencil/core';
import '@stencil/router';

  tag: 'header-component',

  export class HeaderComponent {
  render() {
    return (
      <header class="font-suisse flex justify-between items-center max-w-6xl lg:max-w-2xl md:max-w-xs m-auto py-30">
        <a class="block no-underline text-gray-dark text-24 font-bold" href="#">Logo</a>
        <stencil-route-link class="block no-underline text-gray-dark text-24 font-bold" url='/shop/v2' exact={true}>Link 1</stencil-route-link>
        <stencil-route-link class="block no-underline mr-30" url='/shop/v2/login/' exact={true}><img class="text-gray-medium" src="../../shop/assets/profile.svg" alt="Profil"/></stencil-route-link>
