RTL / LTR support

Ive been trying Ionic Vue lately and its treating me well for now, super awesome. I just need to add support for RTL Languages, does Ionic support this directly? all the online resources I found were old and not necessary for Vue. Could someone help guiding me to the plugins / examples/ suggestions I need to use with Ionic Vue w/ capacitor?

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Ionic Framework components do support RTL. What kinds of things are you trying to do for RTL support?

@ldebeasi want it to be added dynamically, I figured out that adding dir"rtl" to the ion-app tag would work well, but Iā€™m not sure how I could add this dynamically with Vue and if it would be the best Ionic approach, also, display texts in different languages, for example Arabic (rtl) and English, I would like it to detect the Local and from there to display the correct format and language.

Ionic Framework components do support automatic LTR/RTL based on the language. If you are looking for full i18n support outside of Ionic components, I recommend taking a look at GitHub - intlify/vue-i18n-next: The next major version of Vue I18n (WIP).

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@ldebeasi Than you so much for the help! Would it be possible to manually control it?

Yes, you can set dir="rtl" on the <html> element in index.html to manually control LTR/RTL mode.

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