I’ve started a new Iconic, Capacitor and Angular project and am trying to figure out how to configure the splash/launch screen. From the tabs template I added iOS and Android and it created an Xcode project with a LaunchScreen.storyboard, which appears to be configured to use an image from Assets.xcassets, but it does not show on start up. I change the image a few times and it made no difference, so I edited the storyboard to contain just a label and that shows. However, between that launch screen disappearing and my actual page loading there is a long white gap.
I figure I have to set up a splash screen in Angular which can load instantly and wait for my real components to be ready. This documentation Splash Screen | Cordova Splash Screen Plugin for Android & iOS is all I can find from Ionic but it says it is not compatible with Capacitor and links to GitHub - apache/cordova-plugin-splashscreen: Apache Cordova Plugin splashscreen.
So what is the recommended start up sequence to make sure a user never stares into a white void wondering if my app is DOA?