Hello! I’m starting with Ionic 2 and I have a problem, when I create a new proyect ionic 2 (ionic start name_proyect blank --v2) in the folder app/pages/home I have 3 files: “home.html” , “home.scss” , “home.ts” I don’t know why I don’t have the file home.js and I have home.ts. Please, somebody know what happend?
Thanks in advance.
Same problem as @Jose_Ionic !
On my actual projet I’m using JS and I can’t redo everything with TS now !
So is there a way to use beta 9 with JS ?
I tryed using ionic start --v2 --js but I still get .ts files
Yes, we’re going all in on typescript with ionic 2.
While it may feel different, it’s important to remember, “it’s just ES6”
All of the static typings that TS offers are optional, you dont have to use them, and you probably won’t have to for an app.
For us, it was a no brainer when we saw the features that typescript offers users, especially in terms of auto completion and code hints!