When Im creating apps, the default ends of the files are .ts, i know it depends of the ionic version,but is there an option to switch it with js? There is the oposite:
"$ ionic start app_name --v2 --ts " , but "$ ionic start app_name --v2 --js " doesnt working…
Have you tried with just ionic start app_name --v2
It works for me.
Yes, i did
That’s my version. I read a lot about this, i saw it
depends of the version. Thats mine

Ionic has dropped support for using ES6 projects.
That being said, ES6 code is typescript.
So this ES6 class
export class MyClass{
Is the same in TS
export class MyClass{
i just wanted to know is there an option like this, thanks 
Working in JS with angular2/ionic2 is making your life harder for you. Most of the examples/docs/tuts are written in TypeScript.
And after overcoming the first TypeScript pains you’ll realize that TypeScript is better than JS 
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hah i hope so
We will see…