Popup Function generate blue lines

Hello everyone
First of all, I thank the ionic team for this awsome framework.

I have a problem with the popup function. I am using Android 4.2.2 on Samsung S1 (I9000).
After popup is showed and clicked on the green button

The app react very strange. It shows me blue line like on the picture below (On Text: Paracetamol Hans…)

Basically it has a problem with the popup function. Because the Touch Funktion is also working not fine after a popup is shown.

Could anyone help me out of this. Thanks in advance.

What version of ionic are you using? Can you give this a try with the nightly builds and see if this is resolved?

<link href="http://code.ionicframework.com/nightly/css/ionic.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="http://code.ionicframework.com/nightly/js/ionic.bundle.js"

its working!! thank you very much.
the problem is solved. but if I have a page with input and form elements, scrolling is not working fine.
do you have any solution for that?

and the navigation menu do also have a bug, check the picture below.

thanks in advance.

I know theres a lot of work being done with scrolling right now, so it may be a little rough until beta 2 comes out. For now, the best bet is to report the issue here for as we need feed back on what scrolling issues are out there.


Oh yeah, and dont forget github too