Pass out stripe payment and take order directly server side

Hi,we have ionic advanced shop v3 ecommerce app + firebase

our problem with stripe payment gateway,we dont want the use stripe payment because is not supportted in our cauntry

so,we searching for payment gateway help and chat options with clients

any one if have experiens about this please contact us in skype : enesukr

Hello @emiryayla

Have sent you a request on Skype. Please add me.

Can assist you with your requirements and that too at very Nominal rates.

Have 5+ years of experience on Cross platform App Developments in Ionic, Xamarin, Phonegap, etc.

Will look forward to have a better discussion with you over your requirements.


Hi @emiryayla
I have sent you request on Skype by the name of asif.ostech.
We had work on different payment gateway and as per your country we may suggest you best option to go with. For now as per my suggestion you can go with Payu as well.
Let’s discuss on skype if you are available.

Kind Regards,