Built with SASS: Every screen has its own .sass file (Eg. feed.html has feed.sass) and well structured partials . We’ll even point out the file relationships in the source code comments.
App-wide Color customization: We have a theme.sass file that controls the general color scheme for all screens. Useful if you want to set the overall scheme before you start digging in.
We’ll also be adding app specific screensets as add-ons in the future (Screensets for Food Apps, Chat Apps, etc), so you can plug into your existing rubyonic platform.
@orthodoc that’s a good idea. I’m working towards may 31st to launch and will write tutorials on how to use it. Subscribe so you’ll know when it hits the stores.
Ahead of our, Rubyonic is now available for demonstration. To view the demo, use app ID 2021343a via Ionic view app.
The app is using a color scheme called “Silver White”. Other Color Demonstrations are coming in and will be updated here. If you have any feedback/comment, mail me at contact@audacitus.com
If you need a Tinder like app for anything, we’re introducing our newest addition to the rubyonic pack, tinder screens! You can swipe left and right the same way you would on tinder, with more functions for your immediate use and 4 distinct styles. They also feature the same color customization as the other rubyonic templates.
Tinder Card Features:
4 distinct card styles with color customization
Swiped-card ready functions - exposed data per card (after swipe) for data processing/collection/saving operations (All code commented and explained step-by-step)
Also, we’re working on a showcase of apps built with rubyonic, we’ll be stoked if you could show yours. Send a mail to contact@audacitus.com with the title “Built with rubyonic”.