Hello All, I am new to ionic. I installed and followed all the steps mention guide at ionicframeowrk,com. I am able to create,build,run sample application using command prompt. I mean
npm install -g cordova
npm install -g ionic
ionic start hello
ionic platform android
ionic build android
ionic emulate android
I am able to run all the above. Now I want to open my sample project and do some modifications. How to open this ionic project? (Like how we open *.cdproj in VS)
All your app related files are in the WWW folder. You can edit your app files from that directory and also you can use any text editors ( Eg. Sublime text , Webstorm etc …) to edit the source code.
However, are you on about an IDE like I imagine C# would have? They don’t really exist for web files, since these editors above have loads of plugins you can use to help speed stuff up…
Yes. That is exactly what I am asking for. I am looking for some IDE where i can open this ionic project. So is there any IDE where I can open this project? So normally what Editor you use to make changes in your project?
You can edit files with notepad plus too. Or else create project with visual studio with installing template you like from visual studio galley for ionic.
Build your project test on emulator or device right from your studio.
Hello! I am trying to open an existing proyect develop on ionic. But now I am trying to open it in Visual Studio Community But I haven’t been able to find the dependencies neither the correct files. I hope you can help me.