I was wondering if it was possible to use multiple gesture event as doubleTap, tap on one element.
For exemple you got one div which support at the same time a double Tap and a tap ?
I was wondering if it was possible to use multiple gesture event as doubleTap, tap on one element.
For exemple you got one div which support at the same time a double Tap and a tap ?
If you mean you want to catch a double-tap tap, not sure. But, if you mean you want to catch a double-tap and do one thing and tap to do another, then yes that is possible.
Something like…
function imageDoubleTapGesture(event) {
// do something with doubletaps
function imageTapGesture(event) {
// do something with taps
// assuming you are attaching this to some image named imageObj (could be any element)
var imageDoubletapGesture = $ionicGesture.on('doubletap', handleDoubleTap, imageObj)
var imageTapGesture = $ionicGesture.on('tap', handleTap, imageObj)
// clean up
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$ionicGesture.off(imageDoubletapGesture, 'doubletap', handleDoubleTap)
$ionicGesture.off(imageTapGesture, 'doubletap', handleTap)
Yes that was exactly that Thanks you !
I complicated everything with my directive
I’m trying to do a similar thing
$ionicGesture.on('tap', function(){
}, element);
$ionicGesture.on('doubletap', function(){
}, element);
But when I double tap, the tap event is also firing twice. So get logs like
I’d rather not have the tap event fire if a double tap is occuring. Is this possible?
Have you resolved this problem?
I am trying to do the same thing but the tap event is fired before the double tap.
Hey @Earl, I wasn’t able to resolve it, I just ended up doing a single tap for the functionality I needed. Sorry!
Any luck with this ?
I’m having the same issue with tap and double tap. When I do a doubleTap it triggers tap -> doubletap -> tap
Any suggestions ?
Think I manage to fix/hack it. Not a pretty solution but it does the job and can serve as a starting point for something
var isDoubleTapAction = false;
var imageDoubleTapGesture = function imageDoubleTapGesture(event) {
isDoubleTapAction = true;
isDoubleTapAction = false;
var imageTapGesture = function imageTapGesture(event) {
if(isDoubleTapAction === true){
if(isDoubleTapAction === true){
var doubleTapEvent = $ionicGesture.on('doubletap', imageDoubleTapGesture, element);
var tapEvent = $ionicGesture.on('tap', imageTapGesture, element);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$ionicGesture.off(doubleTapEvent, 'doubletap', imageDoubleTapGesture);
$ionicGesture.off(tapEvent, 'tap', imageTapGesture);
I have made this directive. Hope it help someone.
See the Pen Tap and Double Tap Ionic by Vikas Gautam (@Vikasg7) on CodePen.