In this scenario, from time to time (not always), both events will fire, even though tap and press are supposed to be mutually exclusive gestures — I’d obviously prefer them to be exclusive so that I don’t have two completely different user interactions firing off at the same time from the same user input.
Not only this, but sometimes a definitive (very brief) tap will cause a press event to fire instead.
This seems to occur more on older, slower, Android devices, but it could just be my imagination.
I recently struggled with the (tap), (press) and (click) events and changed all my (tap) events into (click) since things were firing twice. Dit you tried calling
after the event handler to prevent the events from falling down?
Thanks. I have read those articles, though I gather tap and press are still supposed to work together without ever touching the $event object. I’ve tried several variations of event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation().
can anyone tell how can i increase and decrease tap value for individual product.
here is my code.
<ion-item *ngFor=“let item of product; let i = index”>
{{ item.product_name}}
{{ item.product_desc}}
<button item-end ion-button small (tap)="tapEventsub(i)">-</button>
<p item-end> {{tap}} </p>
<button item-end ion-button small (tap)="tapEventadd(i)">+</button>
<button ion-button item-end small round>Add</button>
The tap and press events aren’t the same object that other PointerEvents use and, as you pointed out, don’t include the stopPropagation() method. The click event still occurs after a press or a tap, so I found that I could stop propagation on that to keep from clicking on the parent object:
<button ion-button
color="danger" small [hidden]="hideDeleteButtons">