Looking for Mobile and WebApp opinion

I have been going through videos and tutorials for about two weeks now and here is where I am having some questions.

What I am try to build:
I am looking to build an phone food delivery app that is tied to firebase with auth in the ionc cloud.
I also need to build a admin panel for ipad or table tied to the same database.
For web I also need a website tied to the same database.

  1. Should I spend the time on ionic1 or should I deal more with ionic2 (documentation is all over the place, most examples dont seem to work)

  2. Should I used the ionicCreator. (Already paid for it but it seems to only work with ionic1 and angula 1)

  3. Can I connect to ionicCloud with Angualr 2 from the web based app? I am a bit lost here, as I cant figure out if I needs to install ionic for the webapp. And I am guessing not.

  4. Should I build the website with Angular2 or just Nodejs and Express.

To wrap that up, I am a beginner. I just want to make sure that I wont spend weeks on something that is a waist of time and will not work.

All the responses are greatly apreciate it.