Hi I’d like to have a Working prototipe with Ionic Authentication Social and Custom integrated with my own Backend Spring Boot availabe on github: https://github.com/pietromarrone/jhipster
What I’d like to have is a
A really simple prototipe, just to demostrate both Auth functionality is fine Ionic with Login: Social and Username&Password using Ionic.Auth and Ionic.User platform Sevice
And only if needed a customization of Spring Boot backend
We have an experienced team of Ionic Developers and can assist you. You can just send me an email at nishant@daffodil.io . You can even add me over skype. My skype email id is nishant.daffodil .
Hi @Marrone,
I can assist you in this as I have worked on similar requirement recently. I have strong knowledge of Ionic/Cordova/Angular/Meteor/Firebase/MongoDB etc. My skype is manish.osuniverse or you can email at sales@opensourcetechnologies.com.