Livereload for android on device; the connection to the server was unsuccessful

I cannot get my live reload to work on my android device. I tried setting up my phone to be on the same wifi, used the --lc flag, tried to use the --livereload-host flag, tried to add to my config xml several flags for origin=* and changing my content src=“the_dev_server_ip”, and various other things.

I really need to be able to test native plugins in real time. What do I need to do to get my live reload to work? What info do you guys need me to give you so I can accomplish this?


use this option
-l -c
might be you need to connect the mobile with the system

for command wise help type ionic --help for further details

I used both of those flags and tried using a USB connection but it didn’t work

can you provide your command here please

sudo ionic run android --device -lc

ionic run android --device -l -c
well please try this also if possible use the target option

The error I get when run that command is

"The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (

seems this is a loadUrlTimeoutValue issue

try to use a splash screen,
using ionc resources apply it
and rerun the command

i ran the commands in the app.component.ts constructor the following:;


and I got the same error.

I didn’t even see the splash screen come up.

you don’t need to explicity call it,
just configure using ionic resources command

What does that mean exactly. Please give me an example.
please see this link
try emulate your application in an android platform first then try it in the device,

I tried it in the device and I saw just a black screen with no splash screen.

see this thread

When using livereload you cant do that through USB. You have to connect your phone to the same network as your computer that serves - where ionic serve/run are running.


I am connected to the same public wifi, but on my Mac how do I connect to the same network?

I am trying to test the app natively so I can run the native plugins but use live reload so I can develop as quickly as possible. However, I also need to be able to avoid CORS errors which is why I have been trying to use the app on my device but still have the live reload. How do I do this?

Just to be more specific in getting help, the I am getting the following error message when running ionic run android --device -l

Application Error.
"The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (http://ipaddress_here:8100)

Any solution for this? I am stuck with this issue. can anyone from ionic team help here?

Device is running on 4.4.4, ionic info is below

Your system information:

Cordova CLI: 6.3.1
Ionic Framework Version: 2.0.0-rc.1
Ionic CLI Version: 2.1.1
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.1
Ionic App Scripts Version: 0.0.36
ios-deploy version: 1.8.6 
ios-sim version: 5.0.8 
OS: Mac OS X Sierra
Node Version: v4.6.0
Xcode version: Xcode 8.0 Build version 8A218a
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Same as @maruti here.

It worked fine until I upgraded to RC.1.

Now it works fine only on chrome, when trying it on an actual android device it gives "the connection to the server was unsuccessful (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)

In my case I compile apps via Adobe Build copying www folder.

May this have something to do with and ?

Ionic Team please help us.

I spent a lot of time to refactor my app from beta to rc, it would be really frustrating if I had to get back to beta because I’m not able to run it on actual device

Ok, at least for my case I found the problem and the solution.

The app is pretty fast (as it was beta 11) once loaded, but it’s incredibly SLOW while loading (25 seconds to load on a Galaxy J1 2016 !!!) and it exceeds default android timeout.

To solve put in your config.xml something like:

<preference name="loadUrlTimeoutValue" value="700000" />

this will let your app load correctly even if after that enormous startup time.