After updating my node-modules to latest version, including ionic core etc. I got this error and I can’t seem to find anything about it? Some help please? Has anything changed to local notifications plugin or anything else that could get me this error?
[15:34:51] transpile started …
[15:35:10] typescript: D:/ionic/myApp1/src/pages/home/home.ts, line: 13
Expected 1 arguments, but got 2.
Error: Failed to transpile program
at new BuildError (D:\ionic\myApp1\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\dist\util
at D:\ionic\myApp1\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\dist\transpile.js:159:20
at new Promise ()
at transpileWorker (D:\ionic\myApp1\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\dist\tra
at Object.transpile (D:\ionic\myApp1\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\dist\tr
at D:\ionic\myApp1\node_modules@ionic\app-scripts\dist\build.js:109:82
Hi @Hesters…i too got same error…then i use subscribe…but it shows run time error when notification function initiated…Even notification also don’t appears…any suggestion pls…
and after 6 months ionic 3 reference guide still not updated and can’t demand as not from Pro. Is this the way open sources work?, struggling since few hrs on it. Thank you